SOTD - January 18, 2017

Barrister and Mann

Shaving Product Review - Barrister and Mann "Passiflora" and
Barrister's Reserve "Classic"

Today's SOTD features the biggest chunk of unobtainium of 2016... Barrister and Mann Passiflora #soap which was capped off with a dose of Barrister's Reserve Classic #aftershave!

I did a huge review of Passiflora previously, along with all the drama surrounding Passiflora when it dropped. What's unobtainium without the associated shaving #drama? It's also why it is categorized as such and no longer available. Such a shame... Long and short of it, it's an awesome scent best described as "passion fruit fougére" with all the usual performance associated with #BarristerMann glissant soaps. Love this stuff.

Since it never had the chance to gain in popularity - and more importantly, a matching aftershave - I went with Barrister's Reserve in the Classic scent. If you haven't seen it, there's a full review of Classic that you can check out. I went with it because it's light in scent strength, as I planned to follow up with Guerlain Habit Rouge (full review here) as it's complementary, a nice scent in its own right and mans things up a bit for the finish.

Hardware today was the #Mühle #R89 with a #PolSilver blade on shave two and the #BSB Shaving Brush had the pleasure of mixing up the fine, fine suds in the #GTP scuttle.

Because Passiflora.
