
A wet shaving related article, either on this site - or on another.

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Win!  Free!  Giveaway!

Not a new thing on social media or even wet shaving, but definitely an ever-increasing trend... Vendors and artisans getting their fans, friends and followers to advertise for them on social media - for free. You can easily spot the bait in posts with words like "win" or "giveaway" where of course, one of the requirements is to reshare on your own social media channel(s). Here's how it works...

Stop Digging for Gold (a New Kind of Gouging)

Only a few scoops were removed...

A somewhat satirical, yet unfortunately serious look at the newest trend in wet shaving... Seen more and more on the buy/sell/trade (BST) forums. "Scooping" as it's called, is a euphemism for "I gouged this soap to death." This is usually accompanied by an asking price approaching (if not exceeding) retail in the belief that being "untouched by a brush" somehow preserves the newness - like handling a priceless Van Gogh with white gloves.


It's (Always) Coffee Season

Coffee's always in season!

Who doesn't love coffee? When it comes to shaving, you're in luck - you can bring your favorite beverage (besides beer) into the bathroom for your morning ritual. Joining the ranks of other favorite seasonal lists here, such as pumpkin season, autumn season and lavender season is what's sure to be very popular... And something that's always in season... Coffee!


Shave Battle: Let the Fir Fly!

Fir... A quintessential fall/winter and holiday note for many products - shaving #soap and #aftershave being no exception. While many use fir as a scent note, most aren't fir-centric (or "forward"). For the real fans, I'm looking at three generally available options (though two of the three are seasonal). How do they compare? Let's find out!
