SOTD - September 7, 2016


Shaving Product Review - Barrister and Mann "Bay Rum" and
Captain's Choice "Cat o' Nine Tails"

Ahoy, you scallywags! It's a #HumpBay SOTD featuring Barrister and Mann Bay Rum #soap and Captain's Choice Cat o' Nine Tails #aftershave!

I've reviewed Barrister and Mann Bay Rum before. TL;DR is that it's awesome. Typical B&M and a great take on bay rum. If you're a fan, you should grab some... A great way to enjoy the scent with outstanding performance to match. I've also reviewed Captain's Choice Cat o' Nine Tails before. Also a great performer (but alas, the "warming effect" doesn't work on me apparently).

Hardware today consisted of my trust #StandardRazors razor with a #PolSilver blade on shave two, #Dovo silvertip badger brush and the deed done in the #GTP scuttle.

You can't go wrong with either #BarristerMann or #captainschoiceproducts stuff... Enjoy your #HumpBay! Arrrrrrrgh.
