Shaving Product Review - Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements "Amber"
Put a little color - and flavor - into that Monday morning SOTD with PAA Amber #soap and #aftershave!
It's no secret that I'm a really big fan of this scent. And contrary to what some might believe, I'm still a fan of my #PAA products. Amber is no exception. Described as "warm, musky and citrusy" it lives up to it. If the color of amber had a smell - this would pretty much be it. The soap and aftershave are both excellent performers, with a good resulting face feel and scent longevity. This juice is interesting in two additional ways; one, it seems to have a standout face feel and two, it has darkened markedly (as has the soap) since I originally got it - when it was almost clear. Check out my last all-*Amber review ( for more.
Hardware today consisted of the #Merkur #Futur razor, freshly cleaned and fitted with a #PolSilver blade to mow down a weekend's worth of stubble with ease and smoothness - resulting in a nice BBS shave. The #BSB Shaving Brush whipped up the goods in the #GTP scuttle, which kept them warm for the duration.