SOTD - July 23, 2018
'Ello gov'na! An aquatic, woodsy scent from Talbot Shaving called Governor's Island in a #soap that's a Limited Edition and only available from Pasteur Pharmacy in NYC!
Products by Saponificio Varesino.
'Ello gov'na! An aquatic, woodsy scent from Talbot Shaving called Governor's Island in a #soap that's a Limited Edition and only available from Pasteur Pharmacy in NYC!
Head to the mountains and grab some Edelweiß by way of Saponificio Varesino Stella Alpina in a #soap and #aftershave combo - with some parting comments on the Timeless Razor bronze razor.
A lather that literally made me say "wow" the first time I used it (and at least made me think it every time thereafter) is Saponificio Varesino in this Special Edition 70th Anniversary #soap and #aftershave!
Italian shaving superstar Saponificio Varesino has done it again; re-releasing their Felce Aromatica #soap in their newest (Beta 4.3) formulation in a limited edition aluminum tin with matching #aftershave!
For a shave that's out of this world, be sure to hit up Saponificio Varesino Cosmo #soap and #aftershave cosmo, err, combo!