
Various news from artisans, vendors and more as it relates to the wet shaving community.

Mickey Lee Soapworks Releases Coming

Mickey Lee Soapworks "Through the Woods"

Fans of Mickey Lee Soapworks (myself included) rejoice! Not only is Souq coming back (October 29th) but so is Through the Woods (pictured). The latter will be available through the end of the year, while Souq will be a more limited run. In other news, #mickeyleesoaps is switching over to professionally printed labels! UPDATED - see below!

PolSilver "Super Iridium" Blades Being Discontinued

PolSilver "Super Iridium" Razor Blades

Horror of horrors! This is no Halloween trick, folks. Near the end of the summer, there were rumblings that the PolSilver Super Iridium blade were being discontinued. I checked with my sources that deal with them in huge quantities at the time and it was debunked. However, a recent notification (the second of such) - reared its ugly head once again. Again, I checked with one of my suppliers and unfortunately... This time it's true. I've reached out to another for comment. My favorite blade, the #PolSilver, will be no more. Time to stock up - and stock up hard! Updated - see below!


Coming Soon - The Mühle Rocca Razor

Mühle "Rocca" Razor

German company #Mühle of #R89 and #R41 fame, among many, many other great products... Is introducing a new razor called the Rocca soon. They've been teasing it on social media with hashtags such as DLC and Jet which we can only assume means it will have a Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) as they have used in the past (the Mühle R89 Jet produced in a limited edition of 500 - that sold out in only two days). It also looks to be a new design rather than just a new finish on an existing #razor. The name "Rocca" is rather ambiguous. Details are still very scant, as is the release date. Enjoy the teaser photos in the meantime and I'll keep you posted! UPDATED - see below!
