SOTD - October 9, 2018

Storybook Soapworks

Shaving Product Review - Storybook Soapworks "Hook"

Value (Cost, Packaging and Performance)

Lather (Density, Glide and Feel)

Post-shave (Healing, Moisture and Feel)

Scent (Quality, Strength and Longevity)

Each bar has three metrics, each representing 33% of the total (11% = below-avg, 22% = avg, 33% = above-avg, except cost)

Drink up, me 'earties! Hoist the sails and set the plank - for it be a Storybook Soapworks Hook shave today with matching #soap, #aftershave and #EdP!

Hook is built upon an accord of Cedarwood, French oak, gunpowder, leather, and sandalwood. Notes of ocean spray, crocodile tears, rum, and just a little spark of madness build upon this blend to offer a scent that is perfect for anyone who has ever wanted to sail the high seas.

I've done an in-depth review of Hook previously, as well as other offerings by #StorybookSoapworks including this review of Coffee Spoons and this review of La Forêt de Liguest (the latter a collaboration with Chatillon Lux). Thus I won't get into the background of the artisan, the scent or performance today. Do check out those reviews for that information. Suffice to say that the soap performance is excellent.

Hook was actually a Limited Edition released over the summer of 2017, but was re-released on December 14, 2017 (along with Shaken) - both with a new and matching EdP due to popular demand. The best part is, it's still available! Having tried the other two releases mentioned above, and considering some of the hype around the scent of Hook it only made sense to check it out. Officially, it has notes of cedarwood, French oak, gunpowder, leather and sandalwood - as well as "ocean spray, crocodile tears and rum." Not too sure about those latter notes, but I suspect perhaps a bit of ozone, sea salt and rum.

Hardware consisted of the #TataraRazors Masamune razor with a #Feather blade on shave two. The brush is a custom piece by Guger Art and Reyes Restorations and sports a 24mm Maggard Razors two-band badger knot. The #GTP scuttle rounded things out.

I haven't used this software in a while (since January 8, 2018 apparently, but I'm sure I've used it in between) and it was time to break it out (again). Such a great, leathery scent. The EdP has some great longevity too (6+ hours). If you "missed out" on the initial release, no worries - you can still get Hook today!
